‘In the Moment’ was a collection of work from various artists to form a group exhibition held in Reyburn House March 28- April 23
My Contribution centers on the concept of Sanctuary. A place to go in times of healing, growth and rest
If you want to purchase a painting or have any questions about a painting please email me on shaelaghjonesart@gmail

Zinnia 1 acrylic on canvas 76x76cm $650
Inspired by a pot of Zinnia planted for lasting summer colour.

Zinna 2 acrylic on canvas 76x76cm $650
Zinna are associated with friendship, endurance, daily remembrance, goodness and lasting affection.

‘Going Up’ acrylic on canvas 61x91cm $650
Tall Zinnia plants have straight, strong stems and enduring vibrant flowers. They symbolize qualities that remind us to never take those we love for granted.

‘Reaching for the Sky’ acrylic on canvas 61x61cm $450
The strong upright stems of the Zinna support beautiful buds and flowers. They are strong growers, pushing their faces up to the sky. They symbolize remembrance and tribute.

‘Cockscomb’ acrylic on canvas 46x61cm $365
My husband brought these home for me from the Whangarei Farmers Market. Their twisted flower formations are like coral under the sea.

‘Silver Shadow’ acrylic on canvas 46x61cm $365
A succulent growing with santolina. ‘Silver Shadow’ refers to the variety of the succulent called Cotyledon orbiculata. Also a reference to the dragonfly.

‘Home in a Field of Clover’ acrylic on canvas 76x76cm $650
Due to a wet summer the clover has thrived. Abundant pink flowers make lots of sweet clover honey. The beehive is a childhood memory of the artist as it reminds her or the beehives her father used to keep.

‘Weka Babies’ acrylic on canvas 76x76cm $650
A day after some pruning from a tree was placed on the ground, a family of Weka moved in. The branches provide shelter, safety and a playground for youngsters.

‘Sanctus’ acrylic on canvas 76x76cm $650
A baby boy was abandoned on an Azorian church doorstep. The church was his home for many years till his sense of adventure saw him set sail as a teenager for the shore of New Zealand on a whaling ship. A picture of sanctuary and hope.

‘Sanctuary’ acrylic on canvas 76x76cm $650
An evergreen magnolia in the front yard supports a myriad of life forms. Its branches have supported bird nests, cracks and crannies for insects and a tree house for children. It has been quietly doing its job for over a hundred years surviving the blows of raging storms.

‘Spring’ acrylic on canvas 100x76cm $850
The artist gathered flowers from her garden in spring. she scattered them on the canvas and painted them where they fell.

‘Being There’ acrylic on canvas 100x76cm $850
Chrysanthum, lemon, and bees.

‘Listen to the Frogs’ acrylic and iridescent acrylic on canvas 100x76cm $850
Lilly pads in the Quarry gardens have inspired this painting. Iridescent paint is used to coat the water and catch the light.

‘Kereru Kai’ mixed media on board with hand made white painted frame $285
In the evenings, Kereru dine on Palm tree berries in the garden.

‘Winter Cheer’ mixed media on board with painted white hand made frame 34x34cm $285
Returning home from a morning walk the bright flowers of the Tibouchina poke out from the local hedges, along with a stray begonia.

‘Beauty and the Beast’ mixed media on board with painted hand made frame 34x34cm $285
Plumbago produces clear beautiful blue flowers irresistible to the viewer. But beware, hiding in the tangle of branches and blue flowers is a wasp nest.

‘Evening Peace’ mixed media on board with hand painted white frame 34x34cm $285
During the lengthy summer evenings, Mother works in her flower garden. She enjoys the peaceful productivity of the twilight hours. this is her art.

‘Hillside Pheasant’ acrylic on canvas 152x210cm $2000
Behind the old homestead, lives a family of Pheasant. Their ancestors have been in the same paddock for a hundred and seventy years. This is their place.